Position: Head of the Department, Professor
Degree: Doctor of Science
Title: Professor
Contacts: Tetiana.Aleksandrova@khpi.edu.ua, Education building No. 2, room 513
Deputy director of the educational and scientific institute of computer sciences and information technologies for scientific work
Head of the student research group “Applied aspects of innovative entrepreneurship and development of startup projects”
Professional and academic experience
- 2016 – present time – professor of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2014 – 2016 – Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2011 – 20014 – doctoral student of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2004 – 20011 – Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- 2003 – 2004 – Assistant of the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.07 – automation of technological processes – 2015 National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) in the specialty 05.13.07 – automation of technological processes – 2003 National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Engineer-manager majoring in information systems in management – 2000, Kharkiv State Polytechnic University
Teaching disciplines
- Theory of automatic control
- Economics, standardization and quality management in production and printing activities
- Economics of publishing houses and printing enterprises
- Advertisements technologies and internet marketing
- Economics and organization of production of software products
- Innovative entrepreneurship and start-up project management
- Conflict-managed systems
- Robust control systems
Scientific interests
- Structural and parametric synthesis of automatic control systems of complex objects
- Analysis of technical and socio-economic systems
- Management of business processes
Professional Achievements and Membership
- Published more than 130 scientific and educational-methodological works
- Scientific supervision of the dissertation work for obtaining the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.03 – management systems and processes
Published works
Textbooks, study guides, monographs
- Aleksandrova T.E., Bondarchuk P.A, Serpukhov O.V. and others. Automated weapon control systems: training. manual: Part 1: Basics of the theory of automatic regulation, elements, devices and systems of control and stabilization of the main armament of tanks. – Kharkiv: VITV NTU “KhPI”. – 2019. – 404 p.
- Aleksandrova T.E., Aleksandrov E.E., Severyn V.P. Fundamentals of modern theory of management: учеб. allowance – Kharkiv: KHNADU,, 2019. – 324 p.
- Aleksandrova T.E., Aleksandrov E.E., Ovcharenko Yu.E. Increasing the technical and ergonomic characteristics of mobile military objects – Kharkiv: KHNADU, 2019. – 176 p.
- Aleksandrova Т. Parametric synthesis of the electronic control unit of the course stability system of the car / Ye. Aleksandrov, T. Aleksandrova, Y. Morhun // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Vol 6, No 9 (102) (2019), pp. 39-45.
- Aleksandrova T.Ye. Parametric Synthesis of the Digital Stabilizer of the Rocket-Carrier Space Stage with a Liquid Jet Engine on the Active Section of the Flight Trajectory / Ye.Ye. Aleksandrov, T.Ye. Aleksandrova // Journal of Automation and Information Sciences . –2020. – 52(5), pp 13-25.
- Aleksandrova T.E. Parametric synthesis of the digital stabilizer of the space stage of a launch vehicle with a rocket engine on the active part of the trajectory / E.E. Aleksandrov, T.E. Aleksandrova // Problems of Management and Informatics. 2020. No. 3. P. 1-13.
- Aleksandrov E.E., Hryhoryev A.L., Morgun Y.O. On the influence of the oscillating transported liquid on the stability region of the closed system of the automatic control of the course of the car, Bulletin of NTU “KhPI”. Series: System analysis, management and information technologies. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2021. – No. 1(5). P. 29-41.
- Aleksandrov Ye., Morhun Y. About stability of the movement of the refueling vehicle equiped with digital system of brake forces distribution during the emergency braking. Advanced Information Systems. 2021.Vol. 5. № 3.
Copyright certificates, diplomas, patents:
- Aleksandrova T.E. Electronic fuel supply regulator of a transport diesel engine / T.E. Aleksandrova, O.S. Kutsenko, P.Ya. Intermission // Declaratory patent of Ukraine for an invention. Application No. 2001075363 dated July 26, 2001. F02D 19/02, F02D 41/10.. – 4 p.
- Aleksandrova T.E. Tank gun stabilizer / T.E. Aleksandrova, A.O. Lazarenko // Pat. No. 83903, Ukraine, IPC F41G 5/00. The applicant and patent holder is the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic University”. – No. U201300690; statement 21.01.2013; published10.10.2013. Bul. No. 19. – 4 p.
- Aleksandrova T.E. Stabilizer of the aiming line of a tank gun / T.E. Aleksandrova, A.O. Lazarenko, A. VZein // Pat. No. 83904, Ukraine, IPC F41G 3/02. The applicant and patent holder is the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic University”. – No. U201300691; application 21.01.2013; published10.10.2013. Bul. No. 19. – 4 p.
- Aleksandrova T.E. Stabilizer of the main armament of the tank / T.E. Alexandrova // Pat. No. 81491, Ukraine, IPC F41G 5/00. The applicant and patent holder is the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic University”. – No. U201302760; statement 05.03.2013; published 06/25/2013. Bul. No. 12. – 4 p.
- Aleksandrova T.E. Tank gun stabilizer / T.E. Aleksandrova, A.O. Lazarenko // Pat. No. 107924, Ukraine, IPC F41G 5/04. The applicant and patent holder is the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic University”. – No. U201512950; statement 28.12.2015; published06/24/2016. Bul.No. 12 – 4 p.