Our Students success!

👋 We continue to share the successes of our students!

🎓 The Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies of NTU “KhPI” continues the defense of bachelor’s theses in educational programs:

✅ 121 Software engineering
✅ 122 Computer science and intelligent systems

Despite the challenging conditions, our students, under the guidance of the department’s lecturers, prepared and successfully defended their theses in the most relevant IT areas, including:

🔹 chatbots and natural language processing
🔸 blockchain and decentralized systems
🔹 software quality
🔸 solving applied problems with the help of AI
🔹 security of software systems and data
🔸 business analysis and data mining

We are proud of our bachelors and wish them success in their further studies in the Master’s program and work! 💙💛

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