XXXII International scientific and practical conference MicroCAD-2024

XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2024)»

The XXXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Engineering, Technology, Education, Health (MicroCAD-2024)» was held in Kharkiv Polytechnic. Employees of our department also joined this event. Joining their efforts, the «Occupational and Environmental Safety» and «Chemical Engineering and Industrial Ecology» departments worked fruitfully in the subsection «2.4 Environmental technologies, occupational safety and health», the secretary of which was associate professor O. Ilyinska (chairmen – S. Vambol and O. Shestopalov, heads of the respective departments).
Great preparatory organizational work was carried out by the secretary of our sub-section, associate professor O. Ilyinska made it possible to hold this event at a high level. This includes directly working with conference participants, materials and theses, checking manuscripts for plagiarism, etc. The scientists presented the results of their scientific research in 68 report abstracts, 24 of them were presented from our department. It should be noted that the co-authors of scientific research were not only scientific and pedagogical workers and scientists, but also future graduate students.
Taking into account the large number of proposed theses, a decision was made regarding the number of reports in online mode, their scientific and practical orientation, relevance, and scientific experience:

  1. Comparative properties of hardening media presented in Ukraine from the point of view of labor protection and fire safety (E. Yashcheritsyn, Ph.D., department of OandES);
  2. Radiation danger of military operations (O. Maksimenko, Ph.D., department of OandES);
  3. Application of solar energy in freight transport (O. Yermakov, department of CEandIE);
  4. The advantages of using modular and container versions of sewage treatment plants in modern Ukraine (O. Boychenko Esmil group / prodeko-ełk, Рolska, department of CEandIE).

In the welcoming speech, the head of the department of CEandIE O. Shestopalov after congratulating all the participants, he emphasized the significance and importance of this event, and wishing everyone success, he started the work of the subsection. The speakers’ reports showed interest in those present and lively interest from both a scientific and an applied point of view. The issue of health and safety was directly discussed in the first part of the work of the subsection. The second part was devoted to perspectives and engineering-applied aspects of environmental protection technologies. The presentation material at a high level demonstrated the achievements of our scientists.
The issue of radiation safety and the results of scientific work carried out by the employees of our department are relevant, which is why the speaker was asked numerous questions.

A very interesting report from the point of view of the perspective of using solar energy was made by O. Ermakov. An assessment of the prospects for use and a possible transition to autonomous power supply of vehicles in industrial use was given here.

The engineering and practical application of nature protection technologies and their implementation on the example of the Pyryatinsky environment was noted in the report of the representative of Esmil group/prodeko-ełk, Рolska and department of CEandIE O. Boychenko. It was the existing technological system for water purification that attracted interest from a practical point of view, as an actual, modern implementation of scientific ideas.

It is very pleasant that almost all employees took part in this scientific celebration. Associate professors of the department O. Ilyinska, O. Maksymenko, O. Mezentseva, O. Yanchyk and E. Yashcheritsyn were the most active. Based on the results of the work, the speakers received appropriate certificates.

At the end of the head of the subsection S. Vambol and O. Shestopalov wished all participants fruitful scientific work and scientific success.

Vambol S.