Defence of Master’s thesis! 🎓

At the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies (SEMIT) of NTU “KhPI”, theses of Master’s graduates are being defended! 🎓

Over the past two weeks, more than 30 applicants, and now Masters in software engineering (121) and computer science (122), have been presenting the results of their research. 🧑‍💻

The examination committees heard interesting and relevant works in the areas of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems, blockchain technologies, software engineering, process automation, and others. 📈

Most applicants received excellent grades, which indicates a high level of scientific and technical training at the master’s level of the SEMIT Department of NTU “KhPI”. 😎

Some graduates plan to continue their research in graduate school to obtain a PhD degree.🧑‍🔬

We wish our graduates continued success, career achievements and all the best! 💪

And all those wishing to obtain a master’s degree in the educational programs “Software Engineering” (121) or “Computer Science and Intelligent Systems” (122), we invite you to consider our 🔗 Educational Programs!

Our masters can participate in the double degree program with the 🇦🇹 Alpine-Adriatic University (Austria) and 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ mobility programs, and the study schedule is built with a 💼 practice-oriented approach – a combination of study and work in the specialty!

To apply for a master’s degree, you must register for 🔗 UEE and UPET до 29.05.2024!

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