Autumn vacation with Polytech: Kahoot 2023

From October 23 to 27, NTU “KhPI” invites schoolchildren to an educational online adventure “Autumn vacation with Polytech: New quizzes in Kahoot!”. The events will take place online in Telegram. More than thirty new and interesting quizzes await students: from energy and blockchain to management and linguistics. Start at 10.00. Registration and all details – in Telegram –

The Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety has prepared something new this year! Come to the presentation of the new quiz “Rational lighting – preserving workers’ vision” on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Start at 13.00. If you are late – no problem, there will be a separate link for you later!

Registration and all details in Telegram –

If you have any questions, write to the chatbot: