Kahoot «Quality lighting is the key to safety»

As part of the celebration of the Day of Science in Ukraine 📡 and the UNESCO International Day of Light in 2024 for potential entrants and future students of assoc. prof. I. Mezentseva May 14, 2024 an informative and entertaining event Kahoot was held live on the Telegram channel, which was called «High-quality lighting – a guarantee of safety».
It should be noted that despite the end of the academic year in general educational institutions, there is a significant interest of schoolchildren in participating in such events. So, in this Kahoot quiz, 32 participants from different regions of Ukraine under different nicknames registered and actively competed for the championship. This shows that the younger generation of Ukrainians is interested in choosing a strategy and tactics for safe life in general and in such an important field as lighting, in particular.

The following teachers of the OStaES department took an active part in preparing questions for the Kahoot quiz: associate professors I. Mezentseva, O. Kuzmenko, E. Yascheritsin and Osmanov’s O. assistant. The questions of the quiz were related not only to industrial lighting, for example: «What is natural lighting depending on the design features of the light holes?»

But there were also questions from fields of knowledge related to occupational safety, but on which the quality of lighting depends, for example, the following question: «The main transparent material for windows is silicate glass, by nature, is it..?»

In addition to the above, there were many other interesting questions in the quiz, which the players answered with pleasure.
The winners of this Kahoot quiz were the participants who spoke under the nicknames: Diana Livshits (1st place), Anastasia Fandienko (2nd place) and Vladyslav (3rd place).
The team of the «Occupational and Environmental Safety» department wishes all quiz participants further success in acquiring knowledge and passing the NMT for 200 points!

Assoc. prof. of the department I. Mezentseva and E. Yascheritsin