Meeting on accreditation of EPP

July 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. under the chairmanship of the vice-rector professor R. Mygushchenko a meeting was held regarding the future accreditation. Issues related to the strategy of preparation of accreditation cases were discussed at the meeting. From our department, the head of the department S. Vambol, the guarantors of OP I. Mezentseva and N. Yevtushenko and representatives from stakeholders – S. Mezentsev
Vice-rector professor R. Mygushchenko emphasized the importance of the accreditation process and drew attention to the personal responsibility of department heads and guarantors.
The main tasks for the departments and guarantors of the EPP were made public.

Representatives of the methodical, educational and education quality departments outlined the peculiarities of the formation of accreditation cases.
At the end of the meeting, the vice-rector professor R. Mygushchenko i wished fruitful, inspired and successful work!