Career orientation work during the autumn holidays

During the autumn vacation from October 23 to 28, 2023, assoc. prof. Yascheritsin E.V. vocational orientation work was carried out with students of the graduating classes of Kharkiv lyceum №43, located on the st. Saltivske shosse, 121/2 and students of Kharkiv gymnasium №101, located on st. Krasnodarska, 147/2 and their parents.

Given that most of them are under evacuation, the work was carried out using remote multimedia technologies, including the Zoom platform.

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Autumn vacation with Polytech: Kahoot 2023

From October 23 to 27, NTU “KhPI” invites schoolchildren to an educational online adventure “Autumn vacation with Polytech: New quizzes in Kahoot!”. The events will take place online in Telegram. More than thirty new and interesting quizzes await students: from energy and blockchain to management and linguistics. Start at 10.00. Registration and all details – in Telegram –

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