Participation in the international conference of scientists of the department

November 15-16, 2023 at the National Military University named after Vasyl Levskyi (Bulgaria) the international scientific conference “Radiation safety in the modern world” was held. The 2023 conference was timed to mark the 120th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize to him for the discovery of natural radioactivity, as well as the famous scientists, Nobel Prize laureates Marie and Pierre Curie.

Vice-rector Professor Oleksandr Trush and Head of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety Serhiy Vambol spoke at the conference online. Their scientific report was devoted to issues of radiation capacity of forest ecosystems after a fire. The conference participants discussed today’s challenges and problems of radiation and environmental safety and ways to overcome them.

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Online meeting with the organizers and future participants of the international internship

21.11.2023 р. an online meeting was held with the organizers and future participants of the international internship of students of the department of BP and NS of NTU “KhPI” at the University named after Jan Dlugus in Częstochowa (Poland). It should be noted that this is already the second meeting this semester. The first meeting was held on October 27, 2023. Presentation of the meeting.

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Vocational guidance at the Electro-Radio Technical Lyceum in Poltava

This time, the inquisitive assistant professor of the department of BP and NS Movmyga N.Y. visited the Electro-Radio Technical Lyceum in Poltava. Students study in it on a face-to-face basis. After the meeting with the management, the teacher met with the students studying there. During the meeting, students received all the necessary answers regarding admission to specialty 263 “Civil Security”, learned about Hard and Soft Skills of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program and received advertising materials.

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Vocational guidance at the Poltava Polytechnic Vocational College

Our department continues career guidance activities in 2023/2024. This time the assistant professor of the department Movmyga N.Y. met with the deputy director for educational work of the separate structural unit “Poltava Polytechnic Vocational College of NTU “KhPI” I.M. Postavny and a specialist of the Distance Learning Center regarding the online meeting of our department’s career guidance event. Since the students study remotely, the meeting with them was also held remotely.

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Student of the MIT-M622 group Oleg Derevyanko received a thank you from the rector of KhPI NTU

Oleg Derevyanko, a student of the MIT-M622 group, received a thank you from the rector of NTU “KhPI” on the occasion of the International Students’ Day for his remarkable success in studies, active participation in the scientific and public life of the university. The Department of Occupational and environmental safety congratulates him!

Career orientation work during the autumn holidays

During the autumn vacation from October 23 to 28, 2023, assoc. prof. Yascheritsin E.V. vocational orientation work was carried out with students of the graduating classes of Kharkiv lyceum №43, located on the st. Saltivske shosse, 121/2 and students of Kharkiv gymnasium №101, located on st. Krasnodarska, 147/2 and their parents.

Given that most of them are under evacuation, the work was carried out using remote multimedia technologies, including the Zoom platform.

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Autumn vacation with Polytech: Kahoot 2023

From October 23 to 27, NTU “KhPI” invites schoolchildren to an educational online adventure “Autumn vacation with Polytech: New quizzes in Kahoot!”. The events will take place online in Telegram. More than thirty new and interesting quizzes await students: from energy and blockchain to management and linguistics. Start at 10.00. Registration and all details – in Telegram –

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