Event at Izyum lyceum №10

Despite the approaching completion of the 2023/2024 academic year in general educational institutions, the teachers of the department continue active career orientation work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 “Civil security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program. One of the events of this work was the holding on 14.06.2024 of assoc. prof. Yascheritsin Eugene distance career guidance event with 11th grade students of Izyum lyceum №10. It was held with the active support and assistance of the administration of this educational institution and the class teacher Davydenko Igor Anatoliyovych. 8 students took part in the event.

Speaking in front of them, the speaker organically combined demonstration measurements with the instruments of the educational laboratory of the “Occupational and environmental safety” department (luxmeter U-116, anemometer ВТМЕТЕР ВТ-816В, tester Electromagnetic Radiation Tester GM3120) of some parameters of harmful and dangerous production factors with a story about the specialty 263 “Civil security” educational program “Occupational safety and health”.

In just a few days, the students of this class will be taking the national multi-subject test (NMT), so we wish them success in passing this test!

Assoc. prof. Yascheritsin Eugene