Ukrainian Internet Olympiad “Civil Security”


According to the decision of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” to hold the All-Ukrainian Olympiad and agree on the holding of this event with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, we inform that on April 26, 2017, the All-Ukrainian Internet Olympiad “Occupational safety and health” will take place at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” In online mode.

Information mail.
Instructions for registration (pdf).

All-Ukrainian student Olympiads NTU “KhPI” for entrants (1 st round)

Attention Entrants!!!

National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’ invited to participate in the Olympics NTU “KPI” to be held as part of nationwide competitions for professional orientation of applicants (on the basis of complete secondary education), what are willing to enter the natural mathematical and engineering specialty: 263 – Occupational safety and health

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Chair pupils and invites everyone to visit the interactive activities, which will be held at the University in the framework of professional orientation project “Days of Science” in NTU “KPI”. You are waiting for master classes, presentations and much more!

Chair together with the mechanical-technological faculty holds “Day of Science” 25 February 2017. Venue – Library. Address: Kharkiv, str. Kirpicheva, 2. m. “Pushkinskaya” or “Architect Beketov”.


June 21, 2016 in the Palace of Students of NTU “KPI” held “Day of the Faculty of entrants MT”.

June 21, 2016 at the Palace of Students of NTU “KPI” It held a “Day of entrants Mechanics and Technology Faculty”, in which he took part and the Chair of “Labor&Environment Protection”.
At a meeting with the administration, post-graduate students, students and lecturers Faculty came only about 50 students and their parents.

During the meeting, the applicants received comprehensive information about the department and its departments, got acquainted with the peculiarities of student life at the Faculty of social work and student organizations such as student government body “Students’ Alliance”, the Student Council and the Student hostel of the Faculty Union Bureau.

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