02/25/2018 – Open Door Day!

▶ February 25 at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” will be an open-air day.

▶ The event will take place in a new format ‼

▶ Representatives of the admissions committee will tell university entrants and their parents how to avoid mistakes when joining the ZVO / university, about the features of the admission campaign 2018. They will be able to communicate with the rector of the KhPI Professor Yevhen Sokol, representatives of the faculties and departments of higher education..


Holidays with Politech

Holidays with Politech

On January 10, 2018, an event was held at NTU KhPI in the framework of winter events for entrants and all interested persons. The event was attended by teachers and staff of the LABOR&ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Chair.

The event was held in mini lectures, demonstrations and experiments, games. The event contained three parts:
Parts 1: Scientific-popular lecture for children and adults: “Safety on the roads. Using Reflective Elements».
Parts 2: Noise and vibration.
Parts 3: Technological safety.

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12/21/2017 – “Forum of entrants:” Conditions for Admission to University 2018″

21.12.2017 о 17:00 в 12 ауд. РК відбудеться “Форум абітурієнтів: “Умови Прийому до ВНЗ / ЗВО 2018”. 

🚩 Місце: 12 аудиторія ректорського корпусу НТУ “ХПІ”
📆 Дата: 21.12.17
🕙 Час: 17.00
👥 Для кого: для абітурієнтів та їх батьків.
↪️ Докладніше: http://events.kpi.kharkov.ua
Обов’язкова реєстрація: http://goo.gl/HvPz12


✔️ Як “насправді” працюють пріоритети – говоримо про стратегію їх вибору.
✔️ Етапи і дедлайни приймальної кампанії 2018.
✔️ Необхідних документів для вступу.
✔️ Про можливість переводу з контрактного місця на бюджет у разі якщо не пройшли за конкурсом.
100% корисної інформації – своїми знаннями і досвідом з Вами будуть ділитися експерти із більш ніж 10-річним досвідом роботи в Центральній приймальній комісії.
м. Харків, вул. Кирпичова, 2, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», 12 аудиторія ректорського корпусу НТУ “ХПІ”, +380 (57) 707-66-34

Holding of “Open Doors Day NTU “KhPI”

The NTU “KhPI” Open Doors Day took place on November 26, 2017. The first event was held in a new format and gathered the largest in the history of the event, the number of participants – about one and a half thousand people – was held in a new format : a festival of experimental and experimental territory, where experiments on physics, chemistry and other sciences were demonstrated. The concert of the Open Door Day was a rock concert.

Teachers of the department and students met with the first cosmonaut of independent Ukraine

September 13, students and lecturers of the NTU “KhPI” met with the first cosmonaut of independent Ukraine Hero of Ukraine Leonid Kadenyuk. The event took place in the interactive space for education and creativity “Arsenal of Ideas”.

Source: http://www.kpi.kharkov.ua




Bachelors work defense

On June 23, in the auditorium of the 205th GAK, at 10-00 the first defense of the theses of bachelors on the specialty“Occupational safety and health” , specialization“Occupational safety and health” group MT-53 was held.

As a result of the protection, all students received an “Excellent” rating. The defense was attended by faculty members of the chair of Labor&Environment Protection.


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