Career guidance events February 12-15, 2024

As part of the career guidance work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 «Civil security» of the «Occupational safety and health» educational program on February 12, 2024, assoc. prof. Yascheritsin E. a remote career guidance event was held with students of the final year of the Kharkiv College of Transport Technologies, and on February 15 of the same year with students of the 10th grade of the communal institution «Kharkiv Lyceum №5». The career guidance event at Kharkiv Lyceum №5 was held with the active support and assistance of teacher Rybalchenko I.M.

During the speeches in front of students and schoolchildren, the speaker organically combined the demonstration of the presentation with information about the specialty and conducting demonstrative measurements with the devices of the educational laboratory of the «Occupational and environmental safety» department of some parameters of harmful and dangerous production factors, namely, illumination – with a Yu-116 lux meter; speed of air movement – by vane digital VTMETER VT-816V and cup MS-13 anemometers; temperature – with a Mestek IR01C pyrometer. During the events, future applicants asked questions related to the details of the admissions campaign to higher education institutions in 2024, the number of components of the NMT (national multi-subject test), etc.

Answering the question, the speaker noted, in particular, that according to the data of the portal in 2024, the National multi-subject test (main and additional session) will be held with May 14 to July 19. Applicants will be tested in two stages during one day. It is also provided that the NMT will consist of two blocks:

  • the main one, which will include three compulsory subjects;
  • additional, which will contain a task from one educational subject of your choice.

Compulsory subjects are: Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine, subject of choice (depending on the chosen specialty) – Ukrainian literature, foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French), biology, physics, chemistry and geography. Each of the two stages will last 120 minutes. There is a 20-minute break between them.

Yascheritsin E.