Methodical office

The methodical office of the department of higher mathematics is located in 308 aud. Main academic building (MAB). Educational literature for students of the 1st and 2nd years is located on the shelves of the office, presented with methodical instructions for solving examples, methodical, teaching-methodical and training manuals, written by employees of the department for more than 25 years. Students can choose the necessary literature for work on a topic of their interest from almost all countries of the ‘Higher Mathematics’ course. In addition, in the methodological office there are various handouts for calculation and graphic tasks. Students can work with selected methodical literature both in the office and take with them a reader’s ticket of the library of NTU «KhPI»


Educational and methodological manual «ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS»

T.V. Potanina


In this manual, the main types of differential equations, the solutions of which can be found analytically, are given, methods of their solution are indicated, and relevant examples are considered. The content of the manual is divided into practical exercises. Part of the examples is intended for solving during students’ classroom classes, the other part – for independent and homework. Options for independent and control work are given. Material on solving systems of differential equations and numerical methods for solving differential equations is presented in the appendices of the manual. For students of technical specialties.

Reviewers: V.M. Burlayenko, candidate technical Sciences, professor, National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’;
I.V. Mykhaylenko, Ph.D. ped. of Sciences, associate professor, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

 METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS for conducting a test control of knowledge in higher mathematics on the topic «DERIVATIVE AND ITS APPLICATION»

I.M. Katolyk

before the test control of knowledge
in higher mathematics by topic

These guidelines include test tasks on the topic ‘Differentiation of a function of one variable’, which is one of the most important topics in the course of mathematical analysis and consists of sections ‘Differentiation technique’ and ‘Application of the derivative’. In order to successfully master this topic, students should be familiar with the concept of the derivative of a function, the table of derivatives and the rules of differentiation, the geometric content of the derivative and its application for analyzing the behavior of the function, constructing its graph, etc.

Reviewer Associate Professor I.V. Antonova

METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS for independent work on the section «Differential calculus of a function of one variable»

I.M. Katolyk, V.M. Oleksenko

for independent work on the section
«Differential calculus of a function of one variable»
from the Higher Mathematics course for students
specialty 101 – «Technologies of environmental protection»

In order to independently learn how to differentiate functions and systematize your mathematical knowledge, more than forty problems are solved in detail. It is desirable to know the proposed tables of derivatives and differentials of functions, which will significantly help in solving problems in higher mathematics both on the specified topic and in studying some other sections of higher mathematics in the future.

Reviewer Professor Yu.I. Pershyna

 Methodical instructions for conducting a test control of knowledge in higher mathematics on the topic «Definite Integral»

A.M. Haydash, T.A. Nemchenko

a test control of knowledge in higher mathematics on the topic

Methodical instructions for conducting a test control of knowledge in higher mathematics on the topic «Definite Integral» for students of all specialties of the National Institute of Energy, Electronics and Electromechanics, the National Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, the National Institute of Chemical Technologies and Engineering.

Reviewer Professor Tuluchenko G.Ya.


G.Ya. Tuluchenko


This study guide is devoted to the organization of classroom and independent work of students in the process of studying the topic ‘Rows’. The content of the study guide is agreed with the work programs of the study discipline for students of all specialties
of the educational and scientific institute
of energy, electronics and electromechanics of NTU «KhPI». The purpose of the development of the study guide is to help in the effective organization of various types of educational activities of students, including remote and independent.

The training manual contains: theoretical material necessary for independent implementation
students of individual calculation tasks; examples of solving standard problems; variants of tasks for independent performance.


Yu.I. Pershyna, N.V. Cheremska, T.T. Chernogor


The educational and methodological manual for the higher mathematics course ‘Derivative and its application’ aims to help students in the formation of their mathematical thinking, as well as to acquire practical skills in differentiating functions of one variable and applying the derivative when studying a function and constructing its graph.

In this manual, sufficient attention is paid to the detailed explanation of the methods of solving typical problems on the topic «Derivative and its application». The context of the study material corresponds to the training program for students of technical specialties.

The educational and methodological manual consists of two parts, which include the necessary theoretical material, a detailed analysis of typical problems, examples for classroom and independent work, to which answers are added, and also contains 25 variants of calculation and graphic tasks for individual work of students.


N.O. Chikina, I.V. Antonova


The educational and methodological manual contains the main theoretical provisions, examples of problem solving and tasks for independent work of different levels of complexity from the sections of the higher mathematics course «Functions of several variables, Scalar fields». Intended for students and teachers of higher technical educational institutions.

The manual contains the theoretical part of the course and a sufficient number of solved practical problems, which have been taught to students by the Department of Higher Mathematics of NTU «KhPI» for several years. The content of the manual fully corresponds to the Work program of the educational discipline «Higher mathematics. Part 2». The authors have combined these two topics not by chance, because they consider it appropriate, since there is a direct connection between the practical application of these two topics. We are talking about the tasks of finding the smallest and largest value of functions in a closed domain and the well-known iterative algorithm – the gradient descent method.


Yu.I. Pershyna, O.P. Prishchenko, T.T. Chernogor


The educational and methodological manual is intended for students of technical specialties who study the topic «Boundaries and continuity of functions». Compiled on the basis of the authors’ experience of lecturing and conducting practical classes.

The work consists of eleven chapters. The first chapter provides brief information on the theory of boundaries. Chapters two through eight describe the technique of calculating limits and explain in detail the methods of solving typical problems, which are presented in the ninth chapter «Computational and graphical problems». In order to better navigate the material when completing tasks of the RGZ, next to each heading, the number of this task is indicated in brackets. The tenth section is the tests for operational control by teachers of students’ knowledge. RGZ and tests are developed for 30 variants. The eleventh chapter is reference material. At the end of the manual, answers to calculation and graphic problems are provided.

Double and triple integrals

Yu.I. Pershyna, O.P. Prishchenko, N.V. Cheremska, T.T. Chernogor


The study guide is devoted to one of the most important topics of mathematical analysis – double and triple integrals. It consists of four parts. The first two parts cover the theoretical material on multiple integrals in detail. In the third and fourth parts of the manual, tasks related to the calculation of double and triple integrals are considered. The manual also contains tasks for independent work.



Indefinite and definite integrals

Yu.I. Pershyna, O.P. Prishchenko, N.V. Cheremska, T.T. Chernogor


The educational and methodological manual consists of two parts «Indefinite Integral» and «Definite Integral», which include the necessary theoretical material, a detailed analysis of typical problems, as well as examples for classroom and independent work, to which answers are added, in addition, it contains tasks for control work.



Differential equations and their applications

O.P. Prishchenko, T.T. Chernogor


Teaching and methodical guide for the course of higher mathematics for students majoring in chemistry

The educational and methodological manual contains detailed explanations of methods for solving typical differential equations, methods for solving problems with a chemical content, and 25 variants of calculation problems for them.


Methodological guidelines «Derivative and its application»DERIVATIVE AND ITS APPLICATION

Compilers: O.P. Prishchenko, O.S. Chorna

Methodical instructions for conducting practical classes

Methodical instructions for conducting practical classes on the topic «The derivative and its application» for students of all specialties. – Kharkiv: NTU «KhPI», 2018. – 36 p.


Indefinite integral width=INDEFINITE INTEGRAL

Compilers: N.V. Cheremska, T.T. Chernogor

Methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes

Methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes on the topic ‘Indefinite Integral’ consist of 6 practical classes and cover the higher mathematics course curriculum for students of all majors.



The definite integralDEFINITE INTEGRAL

Compilers: I.I. Tsekhmistro, N.V. Cheremska, T.T. Chernogor

Methodical recommendations for conducting practical classes

The methodical recommendations contain problems on the topic ‘Definite integral and its application’ for five practical classes provided by the current working curriculum in higher mathematics for students of all majors.


Test assignments from the higher mathematics course Potanina T.V.


from the course of higher mathematics

Compiler: T.V. Potanina

   Tests from the course of higher mathematics were developed for their use in conducting operational control of the current and intermediate certification of students in order to assess the level of their preparation in this discipline.




T.S. Polyanska, O.S. Chorna


Educational and methodological manual for students of technical specialties of all forms of higher education institutions /span /p
span style=’font-size: 12pt’ The educational and methodical manual contains detailed methods of solving typical problems on the topic ‘Field theory’ and tasks for control work.





Compiler: T.S. Polyanska

Methodological instructions for conducting practical classes

Methodological instructions for conducting practical classes and tests in higher mathematics on the topic “Linear Algebra” for students of technical specialties of NTU «KhPI»